Support the Libraries on Day of Giving, March 22!

Support the Libraries on Wednesday, March 22 Day of Giving!

Support the Libraries on Wednesday, March 22 Day of Giving!

The NC State University Libraries supports every student at NC State through its programs, services, spaces, and much more! And the Libraries needs your gift on Day of Giving, Wednesday, March 22, to deliver that essential support—because our students need and deserve it.

This year on Day of Giving, you can give to four important Libraries funds:

Libraries Student Resource Fund
Did you know that nearly 10% of incoming students come from homes with combined incomes under $30,000?
Gifts to the Libraries Student Resource Fund support our technology- and textbook-lending programs to reduce families’ burden of the cost of education. Students with financial insecurity can use Libraries' laptops, chargers, cameras, textbooks, and other resources, all for free.

See how the Libraries Student Resources Fund has impacted students here.

Student Scholarship Endowment
The Libraries employs over 300 student workers a year, providing them with funds to support the college experience, while giving them practical work experience and competitive technologies, making them highly marketable once they graduate. Since 2018, we've awarded 35 scholarships totaling $119,000 to our student workers with the most financial need.
Give to the NC State University Libraries Student Scholarship Endowment to grow our number of student workers and scholarship recipients, and make a bigger impact.

See how Libraries Student Scholarships have helped our student workers here and here.

Libraries Excellence Endowment
The Libraries assists our faculty by funding them to create a curriculum outside of the high textbook cost, ensuring all students can succeed. Our Alt-Textbook Program has helped our faculty save NC State students well over $10 million in textbook costs over the last 10 years!
Give to the Excellence Endowment to support these efforts.

Other Giving Areas
Your support of other areas advances our work and makes a difference for our students, faculty and research. Here, you can
designate your gift to your fund or area of choice.

Thank you for supporting the Libraries and all the students at NC State!